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content editorial workflow

How to Set Up a Content Editorial Workflow Your Clients Will Want to Follow

Why would a content editorial workflow be important for your clients? The average employee is distracted 56 times a day. Every text, email, and Instagram notification is a cry for attention — your attention. This wouldn’t be so bad if not for the ever-growing to-do list staring you in the face. If you work for […]

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twitter marketing strategy

Twitter Marketing Strategy: How Social Media Agencies Can Help Clients

When you’re putting together the perfect pitch, Twitter is not a one-size-fits-all channel. In fact, I’d argue that about every social platform. You need a tailored Twitter marketing strategy for each of your clients to find success on the channel. Each business comes with its own set of needs and preconceived ideas around what to

Twitter Marketing Strategy: How Social Media Agencies Can Help Clients Read More »

Maddy Osman engagement

How to Be a Good Human in Trying Times (& How I Dealt with Cancelling my Wedding Because of COVID-19)

He certainly took his time with proposing but I never doubted that marriage was where our relationship was heading.  We took an international trip together just a few months after meeting and were planning six months ahead to our next international trip shortly after returning. We moved from Chicago to Denver after his job changed,

How to Be a Good Human in Trying Times (& How I Dealt with Cancelling my Wedding Because of COVID-19) Read More »

how to start a social media marketing agency

How To Start a Social Media Marketing Agency: 4 Pre-Planning Steps

This article is the second part in a two-part series. The first article in the series is about how to start an agency in a more general sense — with insights that are applicable to any small business. Once you’ve built a solid foundation for your social media agency in terms of branding, bookkeeping, and legal compliance, it’s

How To Start a Social Media Marketing Agency: 4 Pre-Planning Steps Read More »

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Wed, Mar 3, 2021 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST